ohayo... hehe, izzit too early to greet a morning greeting at this moment??? lol... anyway, thats ok de, coz later, i'll be start my journey again to KK, with drive by myself, yeah, sure for that, not a first time already... hmmm, for this time, i think maybe will getting tired than before ne, why??? eh, not so clear about that besides, i really dunno whats the purpose that i go to KK, nothing that i can do for my mum at there... haihzzz... later at 5 am, i'm gonna attend to school for my last class in this week, haha, just feel so miss with my those bud at school there... dunno whether they got miss with me during my absented since that few days hu??? hmmm... never ask them about this silly question ne... never mind... hmmm... few so sleepy ne, but can't sleep at all, dunno why... i think maybe too think over about the journey to KK later, seems so many things that need to be prepare before start my that long long journey ne... hehe... hope everythings gonna go smoothly ne...
hmmm... lets talk about what was happens for today at school there... hehe... eh, actually nothing special de, just got a bit crazy with hung and khen them, besides, that three Girls sit behind us also got a lot of their own funny joke with us too, quite silly with their action... let me introduce who are those three Girls... first, chua sin vui: she is the most holyness girl among them, why??? eh, i'm not so realize about that, second, Yap li Chu, hmmm, she is the most nervourase girl between them, she always will feels so shock everytime when we start asking her a few headache question ne, and the third one is lo yee ling, with her those a bit rough attitude, eh, i think her boy boy will sure got a bit suffer with her, haha, anyway, three of them really quite friendly too geh... hmmm, other side, about our new friends, that is dynne, caroline and also yap ching also is the nicely christian sister ne, how to describe them huh ??? hard to explain what was their attitude ne, honestly, three of them really not a simple girls compare with that others three friends, hmmm... hard to look towards what they are thinking even that i've the experienced in observed teenager's thinking, ya, i've been took a lot of course that related with teenager de ne.. hehe... but when facing with them, really need to take a bit of risk to understand them, thats why one of them that is caroline can KILL my friend; Khen's heart became taufu... lol... i mean weak... hehe... i've upload her picture in the last post de... hehe... aiksss.... so sleepy liau ne... gonna sleep now lo... so night night lo.... muacksssssss... tata... >_<
sigh... so tired for today...wanna finish my history assignment ne, tomorrow then i will go to KK again, ya, visit my mum ne, Coz she now seems in critical state, nothing that i can do for her, just can share a happiness and gospel with her and give her support ne... haihzz... why was this happens to me ???? so now i''m try to prepare all the stuff that i need when reach there ne... anyway, just hope everything can going trough smoothly lo... can't stand for any pressure again, if not, i think i'll die by heart attack... opsss... not again... ikiki... haha... so, for the next topic, hmmm... let s talk about my dear friend Khen's love story, hmmm... about him, i think now he still love with his dear lovely girl( caroline), but, for me, that girl ah, aikss... seems so over with naughtying with other guys, you know, even that the girl Called him as GOH!!! ( brother ) hey!!! are you sick??? how dare you call him GOH as you like??? even that you are not love with him, you can tell him de, don't ever give a hope to him ne!!! okie!!! fine!! i can't stand for that anymore, but what can i do??? kHen still said everything started from friends/brother(GOH)/ or even an enemy, Gosh!!! what the damn thinking of him!!! i think he and she should think twince before do some decision! don't they??? sigh... hope they can know what they are supposed to do...besides, that girl i think maybe already 19, but khen just 18 only ne... hey, please wake up!!! i don't even know what they are thinking now, but hung pak sure have a same thinking with me, thjats why we concern with Khen man... lol... anyway, hopw he can make the right choice before he regret with it... ikiki...
sigh...seems hard to believed what was happens with my family... everythings was so sucked you know... haihzz.. life started become worsen than before, my life especially~~~ what can i do.... i got to live by myself, whole of my family already towards to KK, why?? long story... my mum got blood cancer, thats what have i told in the last post before, ya, i guess so... hmmm... no idea for that anymore, just can keep praying and keep strength for now to face my own life alone... i hate alone, i hate it!!! su*#... gulp... haihzz... please .... don't give such so suffered life to me... i'm tired enough...
suffered days...

sigh sigh sigh... hard to described what was happen during this few month...
ya... long time didn't blogging at here... ... ... seems so strange with this site...
dunno what should i type and share about... hmmm... my mum got blood cancer... lol.... seems so unbelievable that this diseases was happen to my mum ne...
hmmm... just hope that will pass sonner, just like when i was wake up suddenly from bad dream...
sigh, i hope so... no place for us in kk... relative??? nope, they didn't know that we facing with this problem at all... friends??? nope, we already gave too much trouble to them... now, my dad in his our work place, my eldest sis keep staying in hospital to look up fo my mum, me??? at Good Samaritan's Church here, seeking a place for my bed... lol... luckily Puan Wong able to help me to find such so nice de place, got Wi-Fi... haha... anyway, thanks to her and her husband again and again.... Pastor liew is the owner at here, but he sleep already, nice guy, nice dad for a child... hmmm... feel so missing with my those bud at sandakan there... hope they will miss with me too... since this few days, they started more crazy and crazy than before, haha... ya.. so happy having a friends as perfect as them... so crazy...
talk about ken with his little caroline... gosh... such a sick love for ken... why??? hmmm... how to say, Ken really fall in love with carol ne... lol... 1st time i saw Ken was work hard to chase her de ne... but carol le... hmmm... seems not so care with him, sometimes will give a hope to Ken, but, otherside, she said that she love with other boy in our class too called "presley" ya... ai yo.. really make me headache ne... for Ken, that is the big big damn hurt words that have he ever heard before... but he said that he will keep on waiting, keep on loving with her... adui... such a pity fool love.... what can we do.... thats called love... love is blind... sometimes will make people look like a stupid person... lol... for me... i'm break with her already, hmmm... when ah??? eh, honestly, forgot already... why??? sigh... tell you later, i'm start sleepy liau oh... so night night lo ... muacksssss.... my friends.... ^@^
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