is that important whether i've change or not??
thats really make me feel like i'm the faker one...
seems you always blaming at me about that...
i'm just doing what i think thats truth for me,
i just walk along with my own way, it's a happy
way for me, but why each one of you think that
i've changed huh??? it's really important to show out
our friendship to others people around??? truely friends
won't came when the day of your happiness, but truely
friend will appears each time when you get into trouble,
truely friend will pray for you always, truely friend
will blessing all the things that you've done, truely friend
won't ever nagging about how did you changed yourself
because of someone because of certain matter... but a
fully support will be given by friends to access into more
relation of friendship... time will show how tough that the
friendship we have right now... show it to me what kind of
truely friend that you always mention about... tell me how many
friends that you having right now're always praying and
blessing with you...