sound lame when my friends asked me izzit i'm Gay??? omigosh~~~hey! what are you think about man, how come you will asked so...ishhhh... yuck! such a stupid question have i heard before...whole of my life...GOsh*&^%$ haha... you know why ? Coz they saw why my female friends on friendster profile there will less than male friends??? not even more than 10 ok!!! ieuuuuuuu...... hello!!!! male friends more than female friends doesn't mean that i'm a Gay de !!! okie!!! explain why??? ishhhhhhh.... thats because i'm biao biao lo, lol....ikikikiki... haha... just kidding, actually i just don't want add somebody that i doesn't know at all about them ma, know them for what??? hey, i'm 19 liau la, suppose know how to think liau de... haha... just don't want be the stupid childish thinking that always adding stranger and introduce yourself with them... please think maturely what are you all doing now le, felt CoOl with your act??? felt vain??? NO!!! not at all!!! never and i hate those#$^%&*+ Gosh*** i'm too cruel... was i??? hehe... then thats the truth... i hate those kind of people... please put down your immature thinking okie??? sigh... i know you wont do so... sigh sigh sigh#######.... haha...
ulala@@@@@ forgot what should i do for today tim... oh God, hmmm... i think i suppose to be more clever to create a schedule for my working place everyday... euuuuu... sound stupid, i more like with my style now.. any problem??hmm, nope... i guess so, haha... yaya! my friends moy already been at kk now , so we now was felt a bit silently ne, Coz moy is one of big speaker among of us, anyway, thank to him for bring a lot of happiness to us ne... other side, khen still not yet found a suitable job le, even that part time only, he still can' found it... haihzz... besides, ting gonna continue study at st mary with us, eh, i guess so, hope so ler... haha... hung??? still ok la, still like before, never change with his kiddy joke le, haha... how about with koo hu??? hmmm... he gonna study at kl, eh, i guess so, forgot what he have told me before... anyway, hope he have a Good study at there oh... ikikiki... Ng... he ... hmmm... oh Gosh, forgot with him liau tim... sigh... philips ah, eh... sure he will continue for Form 6 ne... haha...k la... wanna continue with my work liau ne... i will share the rest for the next post oh.. k... ikiki...tata ^@^
hmmm... still thinking.... think think think... never stop thinking everyday le....ah... 17th March is hung pak's birthday ne... my dear best bro ne... hehe... what should i give him as present huh??? think again....yuck!!! .... i think i'm gonna die by thinking ~~~~ arrrhhhh... hate it hate it hate it!!!! ==''
day with stranger#$%^&* miss and nag???

planning day ^@^
top school's friends...who should i want to meet....why??
1, hung pak... why?? coz
he promised me that he will spend me to having
our "date" at Kwong Wu Yat, japaneses restaurant :)
2, khenCK... why?? coz
wanna know izzit he still being a"leong dei gun"
since all of us already get a job...
3,kooHW... why?? coz
wanna know how fine is he now...
4,NgVC... why?? coz
wanna tell him that his windows cd already
damage by me...=.=
5,wongYT... why??coz
wanna know how much salary that he 've
earned since he was get a job as phone shop saler...
6,MoyKM... why??coz
wanna know izzit the life in NS is better
than his home???
wanna know izzit he still will feel sleepy when
everytime he open up his text book... >.<
wanna buy some pirated CDs(cetak rompak)
from him... :P
wanna take back my chairs that i lended it to her
during Cap GOh mEI...
10,Keat Zai...why??coz
wanna say sorry with her for my"fong fui gi"
at ling's open house...
11,Sue kiun...why??coz
she still owe a dozen of candy with me...