hello!!! i'm back again ! haha... currently at my church office now,
luckily still can having my time to type a blog for today... arhhh...
just woke up from my piggy napped at desk here,
coz felt so tired when back to office, directly falled asleep at office desk here ne...
quite bored during having lunch with them just now...
no topic, just hanging my fake smile when facing with them...
:( not funny at all ok! i totally doesn't understood what are they talking about
and laughing about, just pretend seems so understand with each part of it, haha~~~
so silly right??
blerrr, so sien again for tonight... fetch them again, again and again...
felt wanna quit from this job and just stay at
home become leong dei goon oh...ikikiki~~~ =.="
. heh yo!! 17th of march is my dear brother hung pak' birthday tim, lol... what should i buy for him huh??? doll???
haha, he not a girl ok! hmmm.... toys???
ish...he already 19 liau lo...lol... hmmm... ei yier~~~~
headache when think about that tim... but as long as i know him,
never buy present or celebrate for his birthday de wor,
so this time sure wanna do something meaningful for him...
try to think something more up to date de birthday calebration...
still thinking... arhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..... crazy crazy crazy!!!
can't think at all... arrrrrr... think it later....
well.... hmmm... almost time for back home le ne... haha...
finally can escape from this little lonely room lu... aik..
just for today... tomorrow still wanna back to here
and continue work again de la... am i too screwy for today??
yaya, i guess so... coz i 've been covered by those bored life every day
since i started working at church here la... thats ok for me,
coz God dare to used me to did His job... besides,
there is quite relax and free too,
maybe this is my blessed from God but i never appreciate it, by the way
always non stop with my nagged to God everyday, haha...
Christian konon... padahal, always ngam ngam cham cham with God,
said it out du so shame oh... hei yier~~~~~
dont want say again oh, later God scold me de lo.. haha....
bye bye ~~~~~~ >_<
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