hey xing, i know your reading my blog always,
thanks for your supported ya, and your blessed
also, but i think i better wait you to found your true love
before i start seeking for mine...
maybe is because of responsibility, and promises
have i done with you make me should think so...
ya, i hurted you a lot, thats why i should
make sure you 're blissful with your partner of
life, then i won't feel too guilty and worry with you
, anyway, sorry again for didn't realized any
promises to you, so, please don't think love is cruel and
unreal, maybe only during the period with me was
the bad one, cause i'm kind of unresponsibility people,
so don't though every love that you'll accept was a lie too,
please don't, love actually so wonderfull you know,
you just need a some time to waiting for it only,
a person without love, just remain black and whitecolour in their life,
but a person with love, full with a lot of colour in their life...
so, please tell me when you get your true love ya,
let me know that you're happy always oh,
don't hidding your own sadness always, try to talk with other people
that you trust with them, cause i knew you're type of
silent people, nevermind, you still got a lot of friends
around, maybe someone has waiting for you then, so just
keep on happy in your life ya !
Cheers for your Happiness ya !!!
Na! i send you a pic of Pooh pooh photos,
hope you Happy always ya !

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