

Gambateh Guys!
here i'm... twinkle twinkle little i wonder who there're.... lol...this is my own poems ne... but modificatedfrom some... arrrr.... okie, lets getting start with my Church's Event at SingKangChurch ne, hmmmm, got a lot improvement ne, quite happy when saw each one of them can handle up with their own serve at church, they should receive more and more encourage from us, i meant us is( those who're more elder than them)ya, should try to accept and support with their idea and thinking, not to spoil their suggestion...just like what i heard from "Kenny" arrr... he should try to give more support and encourage to those youthde, please don't always look for their weakness, but try to find their face of goodness and praise them... so let me begin first, hmmm, start with
Puppet(junKit) - a new face from singKang church, lol...i think so... a grew guy that really can serving Godin anytime anywhere, hardworking, whatever i ask him to do, surely he can try his best to finish it, thats what i like him so.
SuSu(tze) - silly girl, nice and sporting, seems neversee her face of sad, obeying to what been order to do, like to make a lot of funny action, but maybe now getting start with (BoyGirlRelation) so that can't 100% focus on serving ne.
Yuan(yuan) - yeah, ShyShy Girl, always felt nervous during in rush situation, nevermind, like with her passionattitude in serving God, can see a lot of changes from her after "graduated" from leadership's camp ne...additional, she getting braver than before ne...
Xing(xing) - drum player, drummer, obey to what people ask her to do, good leader for incharge inteaching drum, but less opinion when been asked.always realized after the mistaken was happened.
Cheng(cheng) - the experty youth advisor among youth, ya, but not really always dare to take a riks or making any risk decision by himself, but passion in youth ministry, thats what i like ne...
yinChing(ching) - youth leader, brave, passion , sporting and friendly, but too controlled by something, i don't really know whats that actually, still have many space can improve her leading ability.
Chong(boomer) - talk too much( boasting ) too over in some testimonial, difficult to spot which is true, not really satisfy with his attitude of serving and leading skill... arrr....might his style...
JIng(jing) - good committe, hard working, serious with serve (certain serve) but relationship between community not really good, instead wit friends, quite good then, but need a lot of practice in communicating skill.
Rong(Y.rong) - too passion in certain serve, come andgo suddenly(i meant passion of serve) no experience, always did rushly, should plan before do it, Comment:think and plan before do it!
hope you all can forgive with my rude words above ya, coz might make you all feel a bit unsatisfy, but we should changeit together and improve our own ability together, Cheers For Youth Of Sing Kang ! Gambateh !!! Muaksssssssss

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