hey there, once again for dizziness what suppose i type for now, dubiosly about people around me, i meant friends actually... arrr... stupid thinking, lets talk about my life during these few day recently, yeah, life quite nice then, but school work seems always making me felt tiredly.failed in Eco subject, the rest still okie, but kindly better than failed at all. 4 months to go for officially STPM examination. sniff sniff... haven't do any preparation for that, keep on thinking what should i do to make my own result getting better than previous result, " study hard " hmmm, no way, cannot concentrate at my study at all , why?? arr, you're not suppose to ask why if you know what actually happens to my family during this half passed year ago. worriying about my mum's healthy and so on my dad, hope everything'll be fine, working around for earning some income for myself, wish can reduce my dad's burdens, he getting older and weaker... ok, done with family's matters.. now, friends friends friends, yeah, viewing a few picture that i took with khen, ling, keat and kiun start making me feel so miss with them then, but maybe distance and some problem were currupting our relation, maybe we 're not closed enough, but hope they'ld still remember with me then, don't ever forget with me k !!! remember the promises that we make before... Churches... yuck !!!!!! hate few of them, Fake people, fake fake fake, acting like a guilty people infront of me, hey you , please don't make that guilty face with me ok!!! no need pretend any emotional face k, i hate with your attitude k, felt like wanna vomit everytime facing with you, smelly breath!!! God please forgive my sin causing by my critic to other people, but i really can't stand for hidding my own angriest.. .. .. sniff.. .. .. because of him, i been spotted to become a counter-peace of people at church, him??? he's the one old people that managing the worship's team at Church, we called him as the "ChairMan Of Worship Team" thats what i called him as long he being a leader then, hehe, i knew that i'm the type of anti of some counter ordered of people, i won't obey to do something that i don't like to do, so, i have my own opinion and decide wuth certain matter, huh, but you always forcing me to do things that i ain't to do so.. .. .. so get off from me, i have decided to put down my post as guitarist at Praise Team after this month, yeah, felt so happy with my this wisely decision,so that i can take another post at church that i like ne.. no more burden and regretting for my decision.. haha, but i heard Yuan also wanna getting out from Praise Team also, but the real decision, haven't verify yet... please wait patiently for the next post k! Cheng still will keeping his post at there, ya, i know with his kindly situation at there then, hope everything will be fine for him !! Gambateh !!! so on with Xing, no comment about her ne... Gambateh Too ya !!!
update again for my blog, again and again, sometimes really didn't know what should i type everytime when i login to my blogger site... seems getting strange with myself, just like what i felt towards with my friends...friends again for this time, i know that sometimes i should be more concern with my friends around me,arrr... but i don't really think they need my concerning, secret... secret would be the gap within us... because they're hiding their secret without expose it with other people, emmm, i meant share, haha... maybe they doesn't meaning to do so, or doesn't have anyone can be trusted so, well... i think i can be the trusted one, sure i can... but i hope each one of you can give your trust with me... hmmm, lets talk about people around, start from friends, okie, during these few days, yuan and puppet seems getting mad than before, started inviting me for having a drink sometimes, oh yeah, sound great, but seems so weird with their kindly attitude, haha, maybe bored taking part in their life, of freedom go towards to them ... okie, not for that, Jun Cheng, seems can put down his own upset burden that covered with him since last few weeks ago, after break with yuan. long injured for him, nevermind bro, keep Gambateh ya !!! about yuan, some rumous about her, how should i describe what actually happens wit her huh?? hmmm, ok, first, yuan make decision to break with Jun Cheng actually is because she got other's "admire", you know what i mean??? errr, easy words, she have a new target(male), she changed her mind, maybe she really love with that guy, actually i also didn't know, is that true??? i just heard it from " someone" ,but when i ask her, honestly, she strongly deny what i said about, but seems everyone take a point to reconize about that true, by the way, "people" said that, the guy seems getting cold with yuan, so, yuan keep hidding her own problem, but i still in my thinking that, seems hard to believe, after observed with her attitude, she always would got a called, or msg everytime we hagging out together, i sure that is not her Mum of dad, or someone that we know, thats what i sure about, her action quite gave me a negative thinking with her, should i keep on trust with her??? i know that friends should keep on trusted with each other, but if she's the wrong one, should i continue with my thinking to do so??? love is blind, even thought you know thats wrong, but you still will go for it, don't you think that you're so stupid to do so??? please, you're not easy to take your own freedom back. and now, you want to get back with your previuos life??? getting controlled by someone??? i still remember what have you told with me, you said you want a new freedom and a new life by your own, but why you still go toward to the life that you hate before??? please, love yourself, don't let people get the chance to talk about you, thats what i told you always, anyway, if that is your decision, i still will support with you always, don't worry, keep going to whatever you want to do, important, you must happy with every step that you take, don't make yourself felt regret and disappointed k, i'll keep on praying for you always, God bless you always ya yuan!
by: biao :)
by: biao :)
sorry for the last few post about trip to kk, coz we didn't have much time for photo's capturing at there, busy with shopping, but anyway, i'll keep on sharing what have happens at there k!!
life at KKKKKKkkk...


Updated !!!!!!!!!!!!!
hi there!!! sorry for didn't updated my blog such for a long time,
ya, i've a lot story that would gonna share with you all sooner,
holiday trip with my dude, along that few days, i been understood
about the meaning of GOd, Friends and testimonial...
ya, lots of things that been happen during these few weeks, happiness is
the most uncredible matters that happens in my life, even thought that
tiredness covered me along the trip and journey, but i knew that was
just a bit problem that gonna spoil my plans with my friends ne...
Cheng, Kit, yuan and ching being with the part of my happiness along
the time at there, haha, i meant Kudat And KK, there was a long journey
away from our home, but not for me, coz i've been usual with life such like
like , maybe not everyone of them really feel so satisfy with my drived skill
to destination, sorry for that ya dude, you all have give me a lasting memory that
i won't ever forget it whole of my life, thanks again for your accompanied !!!
Kit Kit( puppet ), thanks for your accompanied along the trip ya, coz i knew that
you always being with me, when we went each part of the way, you always
gave me your comfort smile to give me a happy day, thanks ya !
yuan, your laughing and joke, always gave an energy to me for bring all of you
towarding to each destination that i think that i should did it for you all,
Ching, with your silly smile, and funny action, seems always can make me
like a small kid and playing with you, started my smile and funny joke...thanks ya !
Cheng, you're always be in my sight to let me felt that you are safe and happy during all the day
at kk and Kudat, but i knew that what have i done maybe really would make you
felt upset and disappointed, sorry for can't make you happy and relax all the day,
but when you're by my side, i felt happy and comforted... thanks again every one of you...
felt comfortable along the trip at KK and Kudat, coz i knew that, i've been accompanied
by friends, not alone anymore, their appereance always make me happy and comfortable,
felt like wanna protect them whatever urgent situation that happens to them,
sometimes would think that friends really so fake, but i know that reality doesn't
make the friendship corrupted, i believe the power of God really can melting all the
reality 's thinking about the meaning of friendship, some people said that friendship
just a temporary relation with others only, some people said friendship just useful for
certain situation... but for me, friendship is kind of relation that can be keep and appreciate
for not limit of period or day...
ya, i've a lot story that would gonna share with you all sooner,
holiday trip with my dude, along that few days, i been understood
about the meaning of GOd, Friends and testimonial...
ya, lots of things that been happen during these few weeks, happiness is
the most uncredible matters that happens in my life, even thought that
tiredness covered me along the trip and journey, but i knew that was
just a bit problem that gonna spoil my plans with my friends ne...
Cheng, Kit, yuan and ching being with the part of my happiness along
the time at there, haha, i meant Kudat And KK, there was a long journey
away from our home, but not for me, coz i've been usual with life such like
like , maybe not everyone of them really feel so satisfy with my drived skill
to destination, sorry for that ya dude, you all have give me a lasting memory that
i won't ever forget it whole of my life, thanks again for your accompanied !!!
Kit Kit( puppet ), thanks for your accompanied along the trip ya, coz i knew that
you always being with me, when we went each part of the way, you always
gave me your comfort smile to give me a happy day, thanks ya !
yuan, your laughing and joke, always gave an energy to me for bring all of you
towarding to each destination that i think that i should did it for you all,
Ching, with your silly smile, and funny action, seems always can make me
like a small kid and playing with you, started my smile and funny joke...thanks ya !
Cheng, you're always be in my sight to let me felt that you are safe and happy during all the day
at kk and Kudat, but i knew that what have i done maybe really would make you
felt upset and disappointed, sorry for can't make you happy and relax all the day,
but when you're by my side, i felt happy and comforted... thanks again every one of you...
felt comfortable along the trip at KK and Kudat, coz i knew that, i've been accompanied
by friends, not alone anymore, their appereance always make me happy and comfortable,
felt like wanna protect them whatever urgent situation that happens to them,
sometimes would think that friends really so fake, but i know that reality doesn't
make the friendship corrupted, i believe the power of God really can melting all the
reality 's thinking about the meaning of friendship, some people said that friendship
just a temporary relation with others only, some people said friendship just useful for
certain situation... but for me, friendship is kind of relation that can be keep and appreciate
for not limit of period or day...
trip to kudat !
we stared our journey on 30/6, 7am..
arrived at kudat around 3.30pm...
actually Chene, ching, yuan, kenny, david and bin
went to Kudat for BCCM's event, errr, i'm not really
know what kind of event there,coz i didn't take part in that
event, so on with Kit, so we hagging around Kudat followed
by Thomas and his Mum, arrr, thats really annoyed our
plan since we started our journey, but what can we do,
they just keep on followed with us...arrr... started searching cheaps hotel for night's bed, haha, but unfortunely, Full House Ne..., thats really make me dizzy with the life at there, add with that Two Annoyed people keep followed with us, my first plan with puppet actually just want to stay at car for a night, sleep at car then, but we can't continue with our plan, requested from Kenny to take care with them, arr... S$%^&*(!!! hate them so much, but nevermind, finally we found the expensive one, Marina Resort!!! WOWOWO... RM188 per night le... luckily, thomas and his mum take paid for that... hehe... me and kit, Free For Sleep !!!! yeah !!!! we stayed for two night at there, wow, accompanied by Yuan and ching, both of them actually been supplied a cheaps hotel, quite small and hot too, even have Air-condition, nevermind, we accepted with their present, REason??? so that we won't just facing with Thomas and his mum all the days at there... okie, at morning, yuan and ching went for that Church Event, then we went for having breakfast a KUdat town and went for sunday service at the same place with them too, after all of us finished with our service, we continue with our plan toward to sea side at kudat town, nothing we can do at there actually, so we created a short MTV beside there, arrr... so silly then !!! haha, but quite funny... lol...
sunday night, yuan and Ching felt doesn't have mood to attend for the church event, so our plan is go to sing, but no KTV at Kudat here, arrr... crazy... changed to KFC, lol... no place that we can go at night coz there have no night life at here... bored.. KFC again and again, getting mad with KFC... felt like wanna vomit when think about KFC... arrr... just take a look with the picture that i took ya !!!

arrived at kudat around 3.30pm...
actually Chene, ching, yuan, kenny, david and bin
went to Kudat for BCCM's event, errr, i'm not really
know what kind of event there,coz i didn't take part in that
event, so on with Kit, so we hagging around Kudat followed
by Thomas and his Mum, arrr, thats really annoyed our
plan since we started our journey, but what can we do,
they just keep on followed with us...arrr... started searching cheaps hotel for night's bed, haha, but unfortunely, Full House Ne..., thats really make me dizzy with the life at there, add with that Two Annoyed people keep followed with us, my first plan with puppet actually just want to stay at car for a night, sleep at car then, but we can't continue with our plan, requested from Kenny to take care with them, arr... S$%^&*(!!! hate them so much, but nevermind, finally we found the expensive one, Marina Resort!!! WOWOWO... RM188 per night le... luckily, thomas and his mum take paid for that... hehe... me and kit, Free For Sleep !!!! yeah !!!! we stayed for two night at there, wow, accompanied by Yuan and ching, both of them actually been supplied a cheaps hotel, quite small and hot too, even have Air-condition, nevermind, we accepted with their present, REason??? so that we won't just facing with Thomas and his mum all the days at there... okie, at morning, yuan and ching went for that Church Event, then we went for having breakfast a KUdat town and went for sunday service at the same place with them too, after all of us finished with our service, we continue with our plan toward to sea side at kudat town, nothing we can do at there actually, so we created a short MTV beside there, arrr... so silly then !!! haha, but quite funny... lol...
sunday night, yuan and Ching felt doesn't have mood to attend for the church event, so our plan is go to sing, but no KTV at Kudat here, arrr... crazy... changed to KFC, lol... no place that we can go at night coz there have no night life at here... bored.. KFC again and again, getting mad with KFC... felt like wanna vomit when think about KFC... arrr... just take a look with the picture that i took ya !!!
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