raining day again.... wall separated me and rainbeing touches... rain seems know i need it...oh yea.. .. .. emo poems ...nUts... i should learn more howto compose a good poem then...fine... sniff sniff....kiss the rain babe...
letter to Yuan
hey yuan, how was your feel right now??? still okie??? i mean the situation with your family, hmm, don't be sad and disappointed with your family, maybe they haven't realized the real situation of you, maybe they're busy of something, but please don't ever think that family is place for you to lay or hide only, family actually is a warm place and a place for seeking blissful and comfortable from parents and bro and sis, there's no perfect family in this world, but i know many people right getting loses with their family member day by day, i'm the example that you can see through, like my dad, keep on working around, and my mum, keep surviving from death hell, and me???, seems i'm the one who doen't have a perfect family too, but a try to appreciate every moment with my family right now, coz i dunno when the end of my family day, so i must do whatever i can do for my family right now, maybe no people can see and understand what have you done for your family, but thats not the important, the important one is are you really have spending a time and love with your family??? it is worth for you to do so... i think you should know my situation right now, and i always mention it with you right...? haha, so don't start appreciate it when there's gone, try to keep on patient, whatever situation, you must try to do so... there's the only way... or you can talk to your family also, at least you have the people to talk to... i think thats the proper way for that...nevermind, you can try to talk with me or someone that you trust to share and nag about your family, and i'll be your audience anytime de, keep on contact with me when you need a help from me k, so whatever situation, be strong ya, i believe in you, you can do it ... happy always ya yuan... keep on smiling ya, you're look ugly when you're not putting smile on your face ne... hehe...Gambateh!!! let's gambateh for our family ya!Cheers for Your Happiness oh !!!!
na, i dunno whether you like
panda or not right now, so i take the real
panda pic for you, hope you like it ,
coz it also called "YUan YUan " too oh...
letter to xing

been uploaded... actually just
a previous photos that been took
during my birthday... HUH?! can't
see any new picture??? oh ya, actually
yuan uploaded it on her Blogger site
then, not me k... haha...
so please log on her blog
at http://vuiyuan-love25.blogspot.com/
once again for memorial...
nothing to do for today, nothing special cases happen also... everything seems go smoothly and peacefully, no war and enemy around, haha...
thats good also, no need to worrying anything about people around me...
think and think, quite spent so much time with
blogging at here since i started my first blg
post last year ago, ya, it's gonna be 200th
posts again, haha, 10 more posts to go.... yeah...
it's been the part of my life, maybe sometimes
i'm kind of "secret hider" among my friends,
thats why i need to post out every common secret
about myself and people around me, maybe
thats the only one of my way to release every
burden of secret that i bared so far... but not
all the secret would be post out, yeah, i should
keep my own secret as defenses ne, haha,
at least i won't been attack during the
time of my weakness been digg out......
great, thats enough,
as long as i still will continue
shout out evrythings about me and also
friends, family, and and those yucky bud also...
okie... i know my post getting short than before,
fine fine, i'll upgrade it with more nagged post k !!! tata!!!
please correct me, if i am wrong...
Kiss the rain...
Kiss The Rain
raining day...
love letter from other side...
我知道 我爱上了你
但 我相信 你是最特别的那一个
True Friends..
stop it please...
hey there... currently sitting in front of my computer, thinking what should i type and share with you all what was happen for today and tonight also... just reached home after fetched Yuan back home safely just now, quite nice while listening to music performance by quartet house's student, they organized a small music festival, but kinda bad for me, coz i don't really like rock music ne... arr... sound too loud... whatever, out of my business anyway...
but before the festival end, Cheng, yi ning, henry,meteor and puppet...ZUPPPPPP... where they go??? weird weird... heard from henry, they went for "yam cha"(in Cantonese; mean have a drink), or maybe supper, by the way, me, yuan, ching, Thomas, and dick still sicking with that festival, just waiting for yuan and ching finish for their closing ceremony... weird situation; why don't they keep patient for half an hour so that all of us can having drink together??? arrr... i should know that, felt like i've been stay apart by them, ya, thats what i realized... maybe i'm not the same Biao anymore as long as they know with me, arr... please... i'm still the same biao okay?! how dare you all just go away without waiting for yuan and ching them??? they still our friends guy... don't ever leave them away k, we need friends so on with them, if tonight i make a decide to follow you all, surly yuan will feel lonely then, or maybe in positively sight she can get her others friend at there, thats i'm not really sure, but at least we can accompanying them to finish their duty before we going for a drink right??? yeah, maybe most of them were think negatively with me and yuan, k fine, just think what you all want, if thats can make you all happy, then keep on thinking for that, think as long as you like, think till you feel you get that satisfication...just a bollocks for me... maybe you all think i'm wrong, but really so sorry, i don't think i'm wrong, i just do what can i do for my friend, maybe my small sacrifice can make my friend feel happy, this concept appear on my mind since long time ago, i don't hope the passed influence our relationship, sorry guys, if you ask me to leave my friend around that stupid festival and join you all for drink, i'm shouldn't allow myself to do so... i won't...
Dear : friend "You"
maybe i'm not a good friend, but i'll try my best to be a good audience, listen each drops of your tear, your voice, your smile;
i'll try my best to not leaving each one of my friend behind my back, but at least don't move to strange place that i can't find and see you;
tell me where you're, don't be shame to ask for my help, i'm glad to be the part of your hand to lift you up when you fall down;
tell me when you're tired, i'll lend you my shoulder, lean down when you feel tired to my thigh, i'll sing a lullaby for you till you're sleep;
tell me when you need an audience for your voice of heart, i'll be the puppy to listen your voice without saying anything, i'll lend you my hand to wipe off your tear;
tell me where you want to go, i'll spend out my time for you, i'll cover you with my umbrella, so that you won't feel tight with wheather;
tell me when you're suffer, i'll take all your pain for which you only repay it with a word of greeting, so that you won't owe me anything;
don't tell me when you want to leave, coz i don't like with separated, so that i won't feel sad with your leaving;
don't tell me when you're happy, coz i don't want my sadness influence your happiness, so that you still can happy even without my appearance;
by the way,
i hope you not realized with my disappear, coz i don't want you to feel upset even in time of second; i hope our relation won't end up with my dissapear, just let it be, let our friendship end along with the end of our day...
by : Your friend, Biao
很多时候, 当我们开始去喜欢一个人,
而在还没得到他时, 会感觉到他真的是完美的,
但是当你得到他的时候, 而且时间久了,
才发觉其实并不是你想象中的好, 这是
而是一起分担过去的风吹, 挨过未来的雨打,
一个能和你分享生命中的点点滴滴, 一个爱你的心和你的情,
可能你和他的一举一动, 关系,
但是, 就因为你们俩受苦前的忍耐,
能带来永恒的甜蜜, 不在乎别人的看法,
爱情并不时一场游戏, 更不是一个戏剧,
爱情是自然而来, 自然的甜蜜,自然的和他相处,
自然的向他诉苦, 爱和情是一起的,
就像两颗在夜里的星星, 虽然宁静,
为爱而发亮, 为爱而闪耀, 尽所能的照亮每一个人,
你们的爱情并不失败, 只是你们还没发觉你身边的星星,
也许被乌云遮住了, 但只要你不放弃的争取等待,