

wonderful day

It's a wonderful day even I have to work on this Sunday noon, I should take my nap as this moment usual, but I know my God have a wonderful give for me, the view of His creation and miracle, I know He's with me now, thanks for this wonderful company with me, even I have done a lot of sin that will make us far away, I try to be good as well, become the one You Love lots, be with me God,  thank You God!


Youth 2014


罪人的祷告 主啊!亲爱的主啊!我有一些话要对祢诉说:我的心裡悲痛,我的心裡忧伤,因为我不能远离魔鬼的试探引诱,和烦扰。主啊!因为我远离了祢,没有顺从祢的旨意,当作的不去作,不当的反去作,故我失却了平安。 心中忧苦有谁知悉,除却耶稣,无人体恤。主啊!求祢降临安慰罪人的心。静自思索满身罪恶,谁能救赎,唯有耶稣。唯求救主引领我不致走迷途。从今起我坚决跟随主,噢主啊!求主祢看顾我,求主祢开恩怜悯我这罪人。奉主基督名而求。阿们。